우주드림 (woojoodream)
Would you dream? 당신이 꿈꾸는 것

Space Exploration 6

우주 탐사를 위한 500년의 계획(Next 500 years plan for space exploration)

들어가며 이 글에서는 Weill Cornell Medicine의 Dr. Christopher Mason lab에서 제시하는 우주 탐사를 위한 500년의 계획을 소개합니다. Dr. Christopher Mason Dr. Christopher Mason은 미국 Weill Cornell Medicine의 연구자로 우주 환경이 인체에 미치는 영향을 multi-omics 분석하는 프로젝트를 주도하였습니다. Dr. Chrisopher Mason의 우주 탐사에 관한 의견은 아래 영상에서 확인할 수 있습니다. https://youtu.be/FKoqqJi3-k4 Dr. Christopher Mason | The Next 500 Years | Talks at Google Dr. Christopher Mason discus..

Talk of sperm survived in space begins(It's possible to breed on Mars?)

A sperm that can reproduce on Mars' cosmic radiation for 200 years! It tells the story of life born as a sperm exposed to space radiation for six years and reproduction of this life. This is a picture of a normal division of sperm that has been exposed to space radiation for six years on the International Space Station (Fig. 1). Beyond the age of non-human space exploration and human space explo..

Back 24,000 years, a resurgent microorganism(From resurrection to reproduction)

What if a life that has been frozen for tens of thousands of years comes back to life? The picture below shows the Bdelloid rotifer, which had been frozen for 24,000 years, thawed and re-engaged (Fig. 1). Many people are wondering and challenging whether it is possible to freeze humans(Fig. 2) like Dooly, a baby dinosaur that came down the glacier(Fig. 3). Russian researchers have recently confi..
